I recently posted about Bloglines - how their features were stuck and how their quality was starting to go down hill. The Bloglines team posted this on their blog a couple of days ago:
We're not going to beat around the bush about this. Bloglines
performance has sucked eggs lately. Why? In short, Bloglines has been
busting at the seams like the Incredible Hulk.
All of us here at Bloglines have been foregoing sleep and social
lives over the past several months to keep Bloglines running and
preparing for our move to a new access center (with bigger britches and
a very elastic waistline).
So hang tight because there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The move will happen soon; we'll keep you posted.
- The Bloglines Team
With web 1.0, search engines built businesses out of content that they appropriated from web sites. With web 2.0, the relationship between the content (both providing and accessing) and the content creators is a lot closer. Consequently, their is far more pressure on companies that are making money at either end (e.g. blog services and rss aggregators) to be stable. A melt down on TypePad and Bloglines, for instance, would cut me off to a large degree from the blogosphere.
The question these companies need to be asking themselves is: where is the tipping point at which customers are going to flee like rats from a sinking ship?