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November 28, 2012


Viliam Kanis

Starts to look good but still needs a lot of work. E.g. some lemmatisation. When I search for snorkeling it finds Makua/Kauai but when I search for snorkel it doesn´t find it which is quite strange as snorkel is a substring of snorkeling.

Matthew Hurst

Viliam - Thanks for the comments. I'm deliberately putting this out there with plenty of issues. In the online software world, one can wait for a product to be perfect and never release it, or get feedback early and release often. That is what I hope to do with this system. Regarding lemmatisation, I now have this working on my dev system and will push it out this week. Hopefully you can take another look then. Some interesting issues arise, such as while it is ok to stem snorkeling to snorkel, it is less clear if you want to return hits on 'surf' when searching for 'surfing'.

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