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September 15, 2009



Hah, I'm a CS guy in finance so understand your perspective. I was initially confused to see this chart on your blog.

Just in case you are interested, these charts are from as it says on the top right corner. You may also want to check out for a cool (well, since you are from microsoft) silverlight implementation of stock charts.

Also, there's and - you may (or may not) find them interesting.


Hah, I'm a CS guy in finance so understand your perspective. I was initially confused to see this chart on your blog.

Just in case you are interested, these charts are from as it says on the top right corner. You may also want to check out for a cool (well, since you are from microsoft) silverlight implementation of stock charts.

Also, there's and - you may (or may not) find them interesting.

Alex G

translated to english: "we're not going up as fast as on the last rally". the rest are voodoo variations of measuring 1st derivatives, which are right just often enough as other finance voodoo "techniques". unfortunately i'm in the voodoo industry :)

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