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May 31, 2009



bing gave me theaters in the Boston area, but ones that are largely many miles away, when there is a theater 2 blocks from me. Yahoo lists the theater next to me first. I don't know why their location data is more precise, but they beat bing in this case. (Once I explicitly gave bing my location, it does fine though)


bing results above the fold for me:

1. Union Pacific
2. up - Definition of up at
3. Up Edu
4. Up - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
5. - We Make All the Right Connections For You
6. Up! (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7. up - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Y results above the fold for me:

0. shortcut to up in
1. Up (Movie)
2. Up (2009) - IMDb
3. UP on Yahoo! Movies
4. Up (2009 Film) - Wikipedia


Bing worked perfectly for me, showing local results and movie times.

Tom Carden

Looks like the correct result to me? Seems like more of a problem with Disney's html markup than with Google. Or were you expecting something that didn't remind you of the Pixar/Disney connection?

I like Google's movie pages too, they're extremely simple and well laid out. Once you've used it, movie searches appear as the top match in regular search results too.


Bing does not return the Pixar site at all, at least on the first page. And if you look at the page source, there's _no content_ on it, not even meta tags. In fact, the list of states is the only thing you can extract from that page. Which Google did. Kudos to them for properly weighting the URL features in their ranker.

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