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November 20, 2008



hi matt-- I agree, lexalytics is smart and the little exposure I've had to their results has been impressive. Your post points out some interesting parameters beyond subjective vs. objective -- Is vs. Appear, Content vs. Style, Emotional vs. Factual (not necessarily the same as Subjective vs. Objective). Could you clarify what exactly your broad definition of subjectivity includes: beliefs, performance, perception, and context? Also, I was actually surprised that Lexalytics finds machine agreement with humans around 80%. Do you have similar data?


Of course, the degree to which saying “John flew to New York.” appears "objective" depends on prosody, facial expression and other paralinguistic information as well. Ah, the complexities of language in interaction.


Of course, the degree to which saying “John flew to New York.” appears "objective" depends on prosody, facial expression and other paralinguistic information as well. Ah, the complexities of language in interaction.

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