Abdur Chowdhury Chief Scientist at Twitter (formerly at Summize).
Components in products (that lead to success?)
- Search – not ‘normal’ search behaviour; e.g. search for wwdc repeatedly looking to see what people are tweeting about the query term. #pdc2008 example ‘pretty cool’.
- UGC - (user generated content) ; jamesbuck example - ‘arrested’
- Self organization – organize content in ways that creators of system didn’t expect or intend; hash tags gone from 1% in Jan to 2% in Sep
- Social Connections – using search to find other people
- Real-time – can you guess; yes, it’s the earthquake example.
Markus Bylund: Privacy. Core idea is to provide individuals with a mirror of their online social presence so that they can learn and adapt their persisted digital presence.
Ed Chi: Introducing Mr. Taggy – a tag driven search engine. Allows for refining search via suggested tags associated with the results being served – looking forward to this coming out. http://mrtaggy.com (not live yet). I believe the data is from delicious.
Ed then talked about ‘what is social search’. They did a survey using mechanical turk to find out about people’s recent search experiences. Talks about extended context of search
- conversation provides reason/topic of search
- search engine only sees the specific keywords with no understanding of the social context
- user gets results and then shares with the people involved in the discussion
The MT survey produced 150 critical-incident reports about search experience. Search is either externally-motivated (70%) or self-motivated (30%); 43% had a social interaction while ‘refining the requirements’;
Marti Hearst
“Social” Terms
- Sharing – often really means ‘not hiding’ or ‘making available’; not really sharing
- Collaboration
- Community – most social networks are not
- This workshop is called “search on social media”
What are blog searchers’ goals?
Mishne et al: 52% on named entities (mainly looking for current discussion).
- like news, in that it is current
- but different, in that it is personal
- so … finding opinions and thoughts on current events is a major goal
- but … may also want to look this up after the fact.
Blogs have personality and style (serious, sympathetic, humorous); nice to be able to select a blog based on such authorial facets.
Marc Smith (now Chief Scientist at Telligent): Leveraging Social Context for Searching Social Media. Marc spoke about analysing graphs and using that analysis to improve search.