Before the slip of the radar, I wanted to put out some links to sites that I encountered at PDF 2008.
Managing News
Managing news is a social media analysis company focused on information diffusion and reputation management. They offer a hosted dashboard and analysis platform.
Ever wondered if that quote the news media is using to punish a politician is really accurate or in context? Ameritocracy has!
Quotes and headlines from politicians, pundits, and other players in the public sphere have great influence on how we think, act, and vote. Ameritocracy lets you find out what is being said, quickly get multiple views and a broader picture, and participate in fact-checking and analyzing public statements.
I’ve written about these chaps before. Linkfluence doing some neat work in the social media analysis space focused on influence, and have been particularly visible in the political space – an area that the US has yet to cotton on to.
In their own words, DebateGraph is “a wiki debate visualization tool, a web-based creative commons project to increase the transparency and rigor of public debate”.
As Craig Simon puts it, ChoiceRanker is “Straw Polls, Instant Runoff Voting, and Honorable Political Discourse”. The site has a neat visualization of instant runoff ballots, like the example below:
Thank you for the round-up. It was great meeting you at the PDF - by the way, you forgot to mention your own (compelling) work in the PDF08 round up!
Anthony (linkfluence)
Posted by: anham | July 02, 2008 at 03:39 PM