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June 17, 2008


Krishna Kumaraswamy

Thanks for putting up the slides - access to the references is definitely useful.

You mentioned a paper from WWW about how social networks behave/evolve over time. Do you have a link to that?


Seth Grimes

Matt, I'm really glad you enjoyed the event and participated.


Guy Hagen

Very succinct and well structured presentation, and it captures the current state of the field quite well. However - what about efforts to develop NLP for automated summarization and conversation (semantic) analysis? They're a long way from being robust, but the field is moving fast. Some large players (Nielsen, Biz360, Edelmen, etc.) are already delivering content analysis services in which market / conversation segmentation is the key differentiator.


I saw your presentation at the summit. Could you expand on content->subjectivity and structure->influence relationships? In particular, by "content" do you mean what opinion/belief/etc. is being expressed and by "structure" are you referring to actual html links to or from an expressed opinion.


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