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October 23, 2007


Jason Adams

Interestingly, the #3 spot is a blog that hasn't been updated in a month.

Matthew Hurst

Jason - note that the data used for this work is not a live corpus of weblog posts, but a (recent) historical set. I've updated the post to underline this point (the publication I link to makes this clear). Thanks!

JC Carvill

Wow...what a great list. I will have to take the time to read them all. Thanks for putting together them all for me!

the constant skeptic

Calculating a blog's influence is important for ROI for potential advertisements from companies looking to get their products out there as well as companies working in brand management. The problem is right now there is not a set of standard metrics to form an algorithm to get a raw influence number for each site.

I like this approach because it gets away from old metrics like in link and out link counts, which do not speak to the topics being posted. Thanks

Alexander van Elsas

To me as a user, I am much more interested in the interaction between blogs. IN other words, which blogs like to read mine and interact with it, and which do I like and interat with. Instead of a "who has the biggest..." contest we would be able to see how blogs interact with each other and (re-) discover information in new ways. So, it is time for the mast of attraction to take the podium. You know him, there is only one, Sir Isaac Newton's Universal Law of BLOG attraction:

Hipple, Rev. Paul T.

Something's wrong with either the conception or execution of that research because there isn't a Ron Paul Revolution blog on that list.

How can anyone be more influential than Ron Paul.

Hipple, Rev. Paul T.

Something's wrong with either the conception or execution of that research because there isn't a Ron Paul Revolution blog on that list.

How can anyone be more influential than Ron Paul.

Hipple, Rev. Paul T.

Something's wrong with either the conception or execution of that research because there isn't a Ron Paul Revolution blog on that list.

How can anyone be more influential than Ron Paul.

Hipple, Rev. Paul T.

Something's wrong with either the conception or execution of that research because there isn't a Ron Paul Revolution blog on that list.

How can anyone be more influential than Ron Paul.

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