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October 11, 2007



I definitely hear you! Even when things aren't free, I can have a hard time getting good customer service with large conglomerates (cough-Comcast-cough). I see the same issues with some of the open source systems. You may get it for free, but if you rely on the software or tools to run your business, it could spell disaster. Really, it comes down to cost/benefit analysis. The majority of the time if it means compromising your service, it's probably worth the money to become a paying customer. I guess that's just reality...

Jeff Carr

Interesting timing for this post. I just dumped Feedburner in favor of Bloglines.


Free is good, to some extent. If you want to refinance a home mortgage, for instance, the internet provides a free mortgage calculator.

Generally though, free stuff have tradeoffs.

Gerald Buckley

I dunno... Google Analytics doesn't cost me anything. Either does a lot of the open source "stuff" I make my livelihood with. So, I'm thinking certain free things are quite good. 0% introductory balance transfers are quite good d too. Mr. Anderson should have an easy time of it

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