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February 24, 2007



Welcome to the neighborhood. I hope you will continue blogging after you join Microsoft?


congratulations! hope you'll continue blogging?


Congratulations on the new job - the Microsoft Live Labs are definately going to be a great place to work over the next few years.

Hopefully you still have time, and the ability to keep this blog up and running - it has been one of my favourite reads for a while now.

Greg Linden

Congrats, Matthew! Sounds like fun!


It's always good to have fine people with big companies, with the power to affect the entire web-sphere!

James Hsu

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! Hope your move is a smooth one. If you like asian food, might I recommend a little place called Regent Bakery and Cafe. It's near the main MS campus. If you'd like other recommendations feel free to email me!

Chip Griffin

Congrats and good luck! You're on my "must read" list because you always make me think with your posts. Like the others here I hope to see more in this space in the future.


Congratulations Mathew.

Matthew Hurst

Thanks to everyone for your kind words! I really appreciate them. To answer the key question - yes, this blog will continue after the move!

Moshe Koppel


Best of luck!


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