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December 06, 2006


Eytan Adar

I'm pretty sure you can only submit once per day.

Spiros Denaxas

Yep, there is a limit of one submission per team per day in order to stop people from training their results on the oracles answers.


Nice blog, almost everything you have in it is factually incorrect. If I were writing a blog I would try to keep my facts reasonably accurate.

It is not true that most of the past results were teams that have dropped out. wxyzconsulting and several of the other leaders have had results from early in the contest. Sure, many teams have dropped out.

From the submission rate (typically 100 subs per day, give or take a couple of dozen) and the fact that each team can only submit once per day, you can estimate that there are perhaps 200 "serious" teams, and of those about 20 teams are "contenders" as of this moment.

Of course, there are persistant rumors on the prize boards that several teams with stunningly low results are waiting for the Jan 2 deadline to submit even their first result. Mathmatical methods have been posted to the prize boards showing how to test your submissions without ever showing up on the leaderboard (quite clever really), so it is even possible to confirm your results are low and never show up.

Jan 2 is critical because it is the earliest date that the contest can be declared in the "final 30 day" mode. The theory (by some) is that if you have a score under 0.85 that would trigger the $1MM prize, you should wait until Jan 2 to submit it, in order to blindside your opponents.

We shall see.

In any case, there is more accurate information in my post here than was contained in the original blog.

Matthew Hurst

Factually incorrect - you mean like your fake email address?


Matthew, I enjoy your blog, keep up the good work. Have you looked into the netflix data yourself?

Joe Smith

January 2 has come and gone without the flurry of new results that people had been expecting.

The leader board is not the beginning and the end of this contest. There are over a thousand teams who have submitted at least one validly formatted prediction. Most teams consist of a single person. That means that over 90% of the teams who registered to download the massive amount of data gave up before submitting a prediction. One contestant, Simon Funk, posted details of his method and that seems to have breathed new life in many of the participants. It looks like there are between currently beteen 200 and 500 people actively working on this problem.

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