The great thing about working in NLP in an industrial setting is the exposure to real world data as opposed to the more academic 'John loves Mary' type of thing. In reviewing posts on the horrible Edelman/Wal-Mart story, I came across this I'm-not-making-this-up sentence:
Certainly, if you don’t post about it, I’m personally not going to not respect you for not doing so, however others may.
Duncan Riley is saying something here - not quite sure what.
Sentiment mining in the social media monitoring space requires high precision and recall. Recall is important because a single post from a respected source needs to be captured accurately. In other words, it is not the number of false negatives, but who they are that really hurts you.
The negatives cancel each other out......
"not going to not respect you"
"going to respect you... "
but..... it's somewhat newspeakian.
Posted by: Kevin Burton | October 30, 2006 at 03:05 PM