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September 06, 2006


Eoin Purcell

Nice post.
Quick note two of the library links are the same link!
offeding links:
Information Wants to be Free and Library Garden are both
Information Wants to be free

Matthew Hurst

Eoin - thanks; fixed.

Caleb "Maddog" Lovelace

I found this place via Featured Blog and what a find! Awesome blog man, I love seeing the blogosphere, advertising and marketing tracked in this graphical fashion. It's great information. I'll be blogging about your blog and reading from now on! Kudos.

Bruno Ribeiro

Wonderful analysis!
Concerning the portuguese blog Blasfémias most likely the community that revolves around it is focused on socio-political topics; however the portuguese blogosphere is a bit "linkaholic" in a sense that almost every blog has a huge blogroll list.

I recently conducted an analysis of popularity (i.e. measuring average visits, inbound links and linking blogs from multiple sources) for the portuguese blogosphere and Blasfemias came out on top as it is one of the most dynamics and influential portuguese blog.

Matthew Hurst

Bruno, it looks like your blog is very interesting. If only I spoke Portuguese. I'll have to see if any of the online translation services can help. BTW, do you have the list of URLs from your paper on top Protuguese blogs? I'd be interested in having a look.

Bruno Ribeiro


I was checking out the Portuguese blog Foguetabraze 'cause I never heard of it before. The community built around it has a more significant theme than language: they're mostly blogs from Azores! Either the main topic of the blogs is Azores itself, or is a more general blog maintened by an azorian native. So actually, what we have here is a (micro)regional community inside another community based on region (Portugal). Mind you, it's not a unique case in the portuguese blogosphere.


Matthew Hurst


That is interesting stuff. Something that I plan to do pretty soon is to take one of these communities and locate the bloggers geographically. It should be interesting to compare communities that are localised versus those which are global.

Matthew Hurst

Hi Mattew:
Nice work.
Only a curiosity: How/why do you choose/find Blasfémias?

Gabriel Silva

Sorry, last comment it's mine

Matthew Hurst


Blasfémias essentially chose itself. I simply did an analysis which produced regions of the blogosphere which were strongly connected and this community appeared.

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