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February 03, 2006


Ron Kass

Just to shed some light on the recent thread/forum count changes.
Those changes are in fact purging related.
If you notice on your graph, on mid 29th and mid 30th there were two purging actions on forums. One was on a removed board, and the other was on a dead board.
BoardTracker does not leave in it's database such removed/dead boards and their data. Also, when robots.txt directives to block a forum/board is detected, the removal is immediate (full thread data removal follows not too long after). Equally when a robot exclusion is removed, a board/forum could be re-added shortly after. Threads might need to be re-spidered if the block was in place for a long period.

Following the forum purges, after not too long a period of time the threads themselves are also purged. Very soon after in fact (compared to traditional search engines at least). Notice on your graph a drop in threads on the middle of the 30th and the middle of the 31st.

Fluctuations on forums may on other times have little effect on thread count when those are part of reorganization of an existing board's forums or a drop/addition of a board with many forums but little threads.

Putting things in perspective though, your recent reports on BoardTracker's sizes were:
October 06, 2005: 11,000 forums (if memory serves me correctly, thread count was about ~6M)
October 24, 2005: 12,563 forums (~7M threads)
November 19, 2005: 16,610 forums (~11M threads)
Numbers for Today: 23,132 forums (~13.2M threads)

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