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August 05, 2005


Chip Griffin

I appreciate your review. You've offered some good suggestions. Let me also try to help out with some of your questions.

* We have our own spider that gathers information.
* The Enterprise product is also available for a 2 week free trial (and it does meet many of your requests for trend charts, etc.)
* The blogs selected are primarily political and technical ones. However, we are currently significantly expanding our coverage and hope to have an announcement on that in the not-too-distant future.
* In addition to information we spider, we have the ability to import feeds from other services that offer RSS feeds to allow for an integrated information display. (We also allow RSS and XML exports from out Enterprise product.)

I'll make sure our developers see your other suggestions and I wouldn't be surprised to see some of them offered in the future. Finally, I should note that we're looking at making more free tools available -- we just want to make sure what we provide doesn't undercut our core subscription product, however, as that business has been very succesful for the past 5 years.

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