In a recent post (August 5th) I finished off with:
The big win with tags is going to be the applications that are built on top of inferences made from them.
I think a link to Flickr's new tag clustering would have been appropriate (launched on August 1st). This is just what I am talking about (putting aside the argument that tags on photos are real meta-data and tags on text aren't). I've played with the usual tests (jaguar - it's a car and a cat, etc.) and haven't yet found results that I really didn't like. Some examples:
- Edinburgh: the city, the G8 protests, ...
- Golf: VW car, sport,...St Andrews
- Vacation: beach,..., Italy, Paris, Hawaii,...
With automated clustering, it is not too difficult to start doing searches and pulling things apart critically. For me, I found the system useful and fun.